At The Seen Gallery, in Decatur, Georgia, I have several framed pieces on display, including my 2007 Marble Festival Fine Arts Exhibit 1st Place winner (see pictured in post before this one). Also at The Seen, I have matted work available and additional framed pieces are available to be seen upon request. Just ask Amy or Bill!
(321 West Hill Street Decatur, GA http://www.theseengallery.com/)
I am exhibiting with the Atlanta Photographic Society at the Unitarian Univeralist Congregation Church from October 1 - October 28, 2007. In this exhibition I won second place for color prints with "Phillipsburg Knob." My friend and shooting partner, Ron Holt, won best of show, first, second, third and honorable mention for black & white prints! I knew there was a reason I liked to shoot with him! The exhibit is open whenever the church is open.
(1911 Cliff Valley Way Atlanta, GA 404.634.5134)

I am involved with two exhibitions with Women in Focus. One was juried by Susan Todd-Raque and is being shown at the Ferst Center for the Arts on Georgia Tech campus.

(349 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA www.ferstcenter.org open Tuesday - Thursday 11 - 1 p.m., Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m., and by appointment)
The second show that I am exhibiting in with Women in Focus is at Digital Arts Studio. This show will be up from October 6 - November 5, 2007.
(1082 Huff Road Atlanta, GA www.digitalartsstudio.net open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Lots of different areas with work on display, so if anyone has a chance to check out one of the shows, let me know what you think!